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Wegmans Shoppers Card Information

General Information

Wegmans cards offer the opportunity to purchase food and food related items for students and staff using beverage commissions and grant funds.
The staff member identified on the purchase requisition will be contacted when the card is ready to be picked up. Wegmans Shoppers Club cards can be picked up from Joe Welch, Accounts Receivable at Central Office ext. 4840.
The Shoppers Club cards should only be used for food items and food serving items such as napkins and cutlery. If you are unsure if an item is allowed, please contact Bess Lyon at ext. 4832.
Allowable Purchases
  • Food
  • Non-alcoholic beverages
  • Snacks
  • Plates
  • Bowls
  • Cups
  • Cutlery
  • Napkins
Non-allowable Purchases
  • Flowers
  • Balloons
  • Gift cards
  • Plants
  • Wrapping paper
  • Greeting cards / Note cards
  • School supplies
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Tobacco products
  • Lottery tickets
  • Coffee Makers
** A person who purchases non-allowable item(s) is required to reimburse the District for the cost of the non-allowable item(s) immediately upon notification of disallowance **
Frequently Asked Questions

 What do I do with my receipt?
Complete the Wegmans Receipt Submission Form including:
  • Signature
  • Reason for purchase (i.e. 10th grade celebration, staff meeting, etc.)
  • Date of purchase
  • Date of event
  • Purchase Order Number
Submit the original receipt and form within 48 hours to the Accounts Payable department.
How do I check the balance on my Wegmans card?
To check the balance on your card or report a lost or stolen card: Call 1-800-934-6267
Choose option 3.
What do I do if I forgot the PIN for my Wegmans card?
If you forget or lose the PIN for your card, contact Joe Welch at ext. 4840 or Bess Lyon at ext. 4832.
Who do I return my Wegmans card to when the balance is $0 or the program ends?
Cards should be returned to Joe Welch or Bess Lyon in the Accounting Department at Central Office.
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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