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Testing, Cases & Tracing

COVID-19 Testing

Click here to learn more about COVID-19 Testing. Use one of the links below to find a COVID-19 test site near you. Appointments may be required. Your physician and many pharmacies may also be able to provide testing.


Return to School Testing Registration

Click here to register

This testing registration is only for students and staff who have been excluded from school due to previous symptoms which are now resolved. This is not for individuals who have been placed in quarantine or who are currently experiencing symptoms.

COVID-19 Test Sites

New York State 
Onondaga County
Syracuse Community Health Center
Upstate Medical University
WellNow Urgent Care

Kinney Drugs

CVS Health Drive-Through

Walgreens Drive-Through


Screening Tests at School
We will be working with the OCHD to do randomized, voluntary pool testing of the schools. A schedule will be provided by the OCHD to students and staff, vaccinated or not, on a regular basis starting the first week of school. All students under age 18 will need consent. Please return filled out consent forms to your school’s health office. All students will also need to be registered. Register here or comple a paper registration from your child's school. 

Voluntary pools of approximately 10-12 staff and students will be tested (vaccinated or unvaccinated). If the pool is positive, that means each individual sample will be tested. While awaiting these results students and staff may be in school, continue to wear a mask and socially distance. When an individual test is “reflex positive” that indicates that the individual is COVID-19 positive and now they must isolate according to the OCHD guidelines. The individuals who are not positive in the pool will return to work or school. 

Positive Cases at School

Isolation Room

Students who begin experiencing COVID-19 symptoms at school will wait for transport home in an isolation room or area separate from others, with a supervising adult present using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Students or staff with COVID-19 symptoms must be seen by a healthcare provider (HCP) for evaluation and have COVID-19 testing (unless determined not necessary by HCP). If they do not have a HCP they should call their local health department. 

Onondaga County Department of Health Isolation & Quarantine Flowchart

Contact Tracing

When a lab-confirmed case is reported to the OCHD, a staff person (case investigator) from OCHD will contact the confirmed case and their parent/guardian in the case of a student. The confirmed case is interviewed and contacts identified. School personnel assist health department in identifying specifics pertaining to the exposure.

When a COVID-19 positive case is reported to the school, Health Services will assist the OCHD in identifying those who are contacts and who need to quarantine.All contacts of confirmed case are interviewed to determine exposure risk. 

Quarantine Process

  • In-classroom activities: All fully vaccinated* individuals (students, teachers, and staff), who have been exposed to an individual with COVID-19 may continue to attend or work at school, regardless of booster status, while quarantined outside of school. This recommendation continues previous guidance in place prior to January 4. Continued attendance applies only to participation in classroom activities and taking the bus to and from school.
    • Fully vaccinated is defined as two weeks after the receipt of either two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or one dose of Johnson and Johnson vaccine or full course of any other recognized vaccine.
  • Extracurricular or after school activities: Individuals 12 years and older who are eligible for a booster but not boosted, and who have been exposed to an individual with COVID-19, cannot participate in extracurricular or after school activities and, aside from school attendance for instruction and bus travel, must adhere to a 5-day quarantine at home. Fully vaccinated 5-11-year-old children are not eligible for a booster and have no further restrictions.
  • Students, teachers, and staff who are not vaccinated or have not completed a primary vaccine series who came into close contact with someone with COVID-19 should quarantine for at least 5 days (day 0 through day 5) after their last close contact These individuals could be eligible for Test to Stay programs that would allow them to stay in the school setting during the quarantine period. Outside the school setting, quarantine recommendations would apply.
  • Isolation: Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate for a minimum of 5 days (regardless of vaccination status). If symptoms persist, further isolation will be required; otherwise, they may attend or work at school after the 5-day isolation.

People with Known Exposure to COVID-19 Who Do Not Have Symptoms*

When you have been exposed to COVID-19 and you have no symptoms, you may be unsure as to what to do next.

Updated Isolation & Quarantine Guidance

Ages Quarantine Duration Attend or work at school, including travel to/from school (e.g., on bus)
2 years or unable to wear a well-fitting mask
10 days
(masks not recommended for children under age 2)
Age 2 – 4 years 5 days No.
Unless in Pre-K located at a school with older grades and participating in a test-to-stay program at that school.
No extracurriculars that involve other schools.
Age 5 - 11 years
Fully Vaccinated
No Yes
Age 5 - 11 years
Not Fully Vaccinated
Yes, 5 days No.
Unless participating in a test-tostay program at school.
No extracurriculars that involve other schools.
Age 12 years – Adults
Fully Vaccinated and Boosted
No Yes
Age 12 years – Adults
Fully Vaccinated, not yet eligible for booster
No Yes
Age 12 years – Adults
Fully Vaccinated, eligible for booster but not yet boosted
Yes, 5 days Yes.
Testing encouraged. Participate in test-tostay at school if available.
No extra-curriculars that involve other schools.
Age 12 years – Adults
Not yet Fully Vaccinated
Yes, 5 days No.
Unless participating in a test-to-stay program at school.
No extracurriculars that involve other schools.
All ages
Tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 3 months
(regardless of vaccination status)
No Yes

Test on whichever comes first: at least 5 days after last exposure (testing recommended but optional if unable to test) or if Symptoms develop.
If positive, isolate for at least 5 days from symptom onset or (if no symptoms) date test was collected

* See specific guidance for individuals in congregate settings and for furlough for healthcare workers.


Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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