Henninger High School

Principal Dana Vendetti Cole Vice Principals Jaime Commisso Anthony DelCoro Paola Benevento |
Administrative Interns Kipchogue T. Jackson Santos Rodriguez Deans of Students Daniel Baldwin Gabriella Pascarella Jeffrey Petties Noah Jordan-Williams |
DASA Coordinators Laura Wittchen Gabriella Pascarella |
School Hours 7:25 AM - 1:59 PM |
School Address 600 Robinson Street | Syracuse, NY 13206 |
Main Office (315) 435-4343 |
Attendance Office (315) 435-4346 |
Guidance Office (315) 435-4350 |
Nurse's Office (315) 435-5878 |
Henninger Weekly Announcements
Student and Family Supports are Available!
The SCSD has many academic, social, emotional and mental health supports available to students. School social workers can help connect you and your child to in school and/or out of school supports that meet your needs. Please call us at (315) 435-4343 and ask to speak with a Social Worker for more information and assistance.
Learn More About Say Yes to Education!
Step into adulthood with a solid financial foundation and no college tuition costs weighing you down. Say Yes Syracuse provides full-tuition scholarships from over 100 public and private college and university partners for SCSD eligible graduates to attend. Learn more: https://sayyessyracuse.org/.