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SCSD Students, Staff Take Part in Mock Election

As America headed to the polls to vote in the 2020 Presidential election, SCSD students and staff showed their civic readiness by taking part in the District’s annual mock election.
“Mock elections are a wonderful opportunity to prepare students for civic readiness,” Nottingham U.S. History and SUPA American History Teacher Don Little explained. “Voting as we examine this current election is an extraordinary responsibility. More than 100 million people voted before election day. How awesome is that! It really doesn't matter who they voted for… Democracy is clearly the big winner. How exciting!”
All Social Studies teachers, grades K-12, were invited to present lessons relating to the election and related issues. Many saw this mock election as an opportunity to bring learning to life and engage students in the voting process from start to finish.
Lincoln Social Studies Teacher Nick Luppino said he led lessons on registering to vote, voting requirements, finding a polling station, filling out a ballot and then had students research local candidates. Students then examined the current candidates, comparing ad commercials, campaign profiles, stump speeches, rally messages, campaign promises and endorsements. Each student recorded themselves endorsing Biden or Trump, noting three specific campaign promises that they agreed with, as well as one demand they want either candidate to address. Students spoke about Black Lives Matter, school funding, Green New Deal and more… then, they voted.
“On voting day, each student cast their votes on Google Forms,” Mr. Luppino said. “They were so overjoyed to finally do it! This was the culmination of all their research and work over the previous three weeks. I was so proud to see our total votes for Lincoln reach 191. This showed our students that their teachers were committed to the election process and civic engagement as much as they were in the classroom.”
ITC student Jasmine Cole said that while she isn’t old enough to vote in the actual election, she was able to feel her voice was heard.

“This was my first time participating in a mock election, and it was a good learning experience about voting in real life,” Jasmine said. “I felt that Biden is trying to preserve health care for citizens like my family and I, while I feel that Trump is trying to abolish my health care, which could put my family and I in a horrible position. I also don’t like how Trump is handling the BLM movement, and the amount of killings and police brutality happening in America. I also don’t believe President Trump is handling the Coronavirus properly by trying to open up the country.”
The District’s student mock election showed Joe Biden as the winner, receiving 95 percent of the 5,576 student votes cast. Donald Trump placed second with 176 votes, followed by Howie Hawkins receiving 80 votes and Jo Jorgensen receiving 40 votes. We are proud of students for taking part to show their civic readiness!
Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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