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Franklin Students Recognized for Positive Behaviors with Administrative Calls Home

This is a photo of four Franklin students standing in a line, each holding a positive note that a teacher wrote for them. More and more this year, students at Franklin are being called to the Principal’s office for their behavior – their positive behavior, that is!
“He is always willing to help his peers or teacher. I know I can count on him to be a leader for others!”
“She pushes herself to be the best she can be. She always puts 100% into her assignments and she is a great role model for her peers.”
Each week, teachers are encouraged to submit positive notes like this about student behavior to AIS teacher Marisa Licari. At the start of each week, Ms. Licari organizes the notes by grade level, selecting a different grade to be featured each day. Then, she shares the positive notes for that grade level with school administrators – who call the students to the main office.
When they arrive, the administrator reads the notes aloud, letting students know why they were called to the office. Then, it’s time to call the parent or guardian! While on speakerphone, the administrator reads the note again, while students in the office cheer and applaud for each other.
This positive note incentive was modified from a similar one Ms. Licari observed in another school district and has already made an impact on students – and on school culture.
“I wanted to roll this out here at Franklin so that our students who continue to work hard every day are recognized,” Ms. Licari shared. “They LOVE it and I am so excited to continue this each week.”
“It made me feel great about being a student here,” fifth grade student Nicholas shared. “I am proud of myself for doing great in science. My mom felt so happy!”
“It made me feel happy because I am being a great champion,” first grade student Anna added. “My dad is so happy!”
“It brings tears to my eyes to see how excited the kids are to call home,” Principal Kim Coyne said. “Phone calls from the office are not always positive, so this was a chance for students to be recognized by the administrators and a chance for families to hear how proud we are of their child. Sometimes, families assume the phone call is not for something positive, so it is funny when we reveal why they are in one of the Principal’s offices! At Franklin, our theme is to be a champion. This champion program will continue as the excitement from the students and families is spreading!”
School staff even post pictures of the recognized students each week on the school’s social media channels so that families can see them and share their public support.
“The positive referral note is definitely an inspiration to children to keep doing their best,” parent Alisa LaFlair shared. “It makes them want to do better and help others, building their confidence! The positive referral brightened up my daughter’s whole week and it definitely brightened up my whole month.”
We’re proud of the staff at Franklin for recognizing and encouraging positive behaviors!
Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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