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Classroom Spotlight: Alicia Macro, Salem Hyde 4th Grade

This is a photo of three Salem Hyde students sitting at a desk, leaning over a pair of magnets they had looped around a pencil.We’re proud of the #SCSDLearning happening within our classrooms each and every day. Salem Hyde 4th graders in Alicia Macro’s class are in the middle of a unit about energy – learning about energy sources, systems, and evidence of energy transfer. They’ve learned about circuits – and even built their own! One day, they focused on magnetic fields. Behind them, a poster on the wall read ‘Science is like magic, but real.’
“Today, we’ll learn what happens when magnets interact with other magnets,” Ms. Macro shared.
“YAY!” her students shouted excitedly.
Small groups of students were provided with a set of small magnets. As they copied their focus question – what happens when two or more magnets interact? – into their notebooks, the students experimented with the magnets.
“Look… they repel away from each other because they’re both on the negative side,” Jaquese Dugger said, holding up a pencil with magnets looped around the center of it, bouncing away from each other. “Science is fun! I’ve learned about magnets, circuits, erosion, chemical and physical weathering… using the magnets makes our learning so fun. It’s basically like giving us magical powers to control them!”
Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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