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Meachem School Wide Expectations




 Happy & Healthy

School Wide

Use appropriate PAX voices Do your personal best at all times Keep your hands and feet to yourself


Listen and follow directions.

Keep your eyes on the speaker.
Complete all your work on time.

Stay on task and focused.
Participate in class.

Clean up after yourself.


Be polite to classmates and lunch staff. Sit at your assigned table. Stay in your seat at all times unless you have permission to get up.


0 inch voice

Applaud for everyone at appropriate times.
Listen attentively. Sit on your bottom with pretzel legs.


0 inch voice

Say hello with a wave.
PAX hands

Stay in a straight line - toes pointing at heels.

Stay on the correct side in the stairway, one step at a time.


Give privacy to others.

Use water, toilet paper and paper towels conservatively.
Keep the restroom clean.

Go right back to class when finished.
Wash your hands and keep water in the sink.

Stay in your stall.


Greet your bus driver with a smile.

Listen and follow directions.
Keep track of your belongings.

Watch for your bus stop.
Sit on your bottom at all times.

Keep all items in your backpack.

Computer Lab

Handle keyboard and mouse gently.

Listen and follow directions.
Stay focused and on task.

Leave everything as you found it.
Stay in your own work area.

Keep your chair in one position.

Fire Drill

0 inch voice PAX hands Listen and follow directions


Take turns using equipment. Settle problems before reentering the building. Use equipment as it is designed to be used.
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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