Webster Elementary School

Principal Dawn Kivlehan |
Vice Principals Elizabeth Bielass Caitlin Welch |
DASA Coordinators Elizabeth Bielass Mamie Howard |
School Address 500 Wadsworth Street Syracuse, NY 13208 |
School Hours 8:20 AM - 2:50 PM |
Main Office (315) 435-4670 Fax: (315) 435-4021 |
Nurse's Office (315) 435-4672 |
Welcome to the Webster Elementary School Webpage

Your Place for Webster Elementary School Information, Links, and Resources
Registration is Open for Webster Before & After School Programs!
Webster Before School Program: Monday-Friday 7:00am - 8:30am
Before School Program begins October 21, 2024
Please note: There is no transportation or nurses available during the before program.
Webster After School Program: Monday-Thursday 3:00pm - 5pm
After School Program begins September 30, 2024
The After School Program offers both academic and enrichment classes.
You're Invited!

Webster is AVID!

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) fosters a safe and open culture, high expectations for teachers and students, and collaboration in all classrooms. Webster is excited to be using this framework this year to build a stronger foundation for our students so they can think critically, collaborate, and set high expectations to confidently conquer the challenges that await them and to continue on the path to success!
AVID is not "one more thing to do", but more of a set of tools that aligns with our goals to accelerate and enhance the work that is already happening at Webster Elementary School. By teaching and reinforcing academic behaviors and higher-level thinking at a young age, AVID Elementary teachers create a ripple effect in later grades. Elementary students develop the academic habits they will need to be successful in middle school, high school, and college, in an age-appropriate and challenging way. Children learn about organization, study skills, communication, and self-advocacy and are taught to take structured notes, and ask and answer high-level questions that go beyond routine answers.
Webster Mission:
Through educational excellence, Webster Elementary School empowers all students with the skills and knowledge to:
Demonstrate Positive Character Traits,
Appreciate Diversity,
Think Critically to Solve Problems,
Be Creative and
Continuously Set and Achieve Life-long Goals
Webster Vision:
Every Student, Every Day will Dream, Explore and Achieve in the Webster Way!
At Webster we are Building our Future!
Webster is Pawsitive!
At Webster School we live by the Webster Way:
We Are Safe,
We Are Respectful,
We Are Responsible and
We Are Ready to Learn!
2023-2024 Transportation Information
For all transportation questions, inluding changes or to request transportation for medical reasons, please contact the Webster Elementary School main office at (315) 435-4670
Student and Family Supports are Available
The SCSD has many academic, social, emotional and mental health supports available to students. School social workers can help connect you and your child to in school and/or out of school supports that meet your needs. Please call us at (315) 435-4670 and ask to speak with a Social Worker for more information and assistance.