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Frazer Pre-K-8 School


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Latrina Brumfield
Vice Principals
Stanley Whalen
Jessica Corasaniti
Jontea Florence 

Administrative Intern
Ashley Malley 

After School Program Administrator
Kharon Bell 
DASA Coordinators
Joy Yoffa
Stan Whalen
Regina Russo
Jessica Corasaniti 
School Address 
741 Park Ave. | Syracuse, NY 13204
School Hours
7:25 AM - 1:55 PM  
Main Office
(315) 435-4555
Nurse's Office
(315) 435-4104
Guidance Office
(315) 435-4905

Frazer Pre-K-8 School Vision Statement

Frazer is a welcoming, safe, and inclusive community committed to fostering a sense of belonging and ensuring high levels of learning for all. 

Frazer Pre-K-8 School Mission Statement 

At Frazer Pre-K-8 School, we are dedicated to effective collaboration with our students, families, and community to build meaningful relationships, reduce chronic absenteeism, and address the academic and social-emotional needs of our diverse learners. We will provide rigorous instruction and enrichment opportunities to prepare them to become well-rounded leaders of tomorrow.

Frazer Pre-K-8 School Instructional Focus

The Frazer School community is committed to a comprehensive effort to ensure that every scholar demonstrates measurable growth in literacy and numeracy. Students will show progress by effectively answering open-ended questions, supported by text-based evidence through accountable talk. This progress will be facilitated through high impact instructional practices and will be evaluated using both formative and summative assessments.

Frazer School Creed

I am somebody. I was somebody when I came. I'll be somebody when I leave. I am a Frazer scholar who is powerful, intelligent, and strong. I deserve the best education and a champion techer. I have things to do, people to impress, and places to go. I am the future! 


Join the Frazer School Parent Teacher Organization!
Connect with other parents and learn how to support your child's growth! As parents, we all want the best for our children.

Reasons to join: Build your relationship with the school, contribute to the school culture, plan and host events, fundraise, support teachers & staff.

Upcoming PTO meetings (every third Wednesday of the month): November 20th, December 18th, January 15th, February 19th

Contact Afrika Evans (315) 435-4555 ( or Brianna Cook (315) 435-4555 ( 
Student and Family Supports are Available!
The SCSD has many academic, social, emotional and mental health supports available to students. School social workers can help connect you and your child to in school and/or out of school supports that meet your needs. Please call us at (315) 435-4555 and ask to speak with a Social Worker for more information and assistance.
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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