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McKinney-Vento Act

Janel Milana, Coordinator of Student Support Services and McKinney Vento Liaison

Phone: 315-435-4131

Step 1.   Determine eligibility.

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act defines “homeless children and youths as “individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence.”  Lacking any one of these three conditions would make a child eligible. If the residence is not fixed, regular, and adequate, it is considered a homeless situation.
Because the circumstances of homelessness vary with each family’s or unaccompanied youth’s situation, determining the extent to which the family or youth fits the definition must occur on a case-by-case basis.
The Homeless education liaison and or school staff must gather and analyze information from the family or youth and make an appropriate determination of eligibility.  Immediate school enrollment are critical to the child’s educational continuity.

Step 2Determine the appropriate services for a particular child, youth or family.

What barriers to education can be removed by applying the McKinney Vento Act and what is in the best interest of each child or youth?  School social workers and school counselors are available in every school within our school district to assist children, youth and families.

Students in Foster Care

Contact:  Janel Milana, Coordinator of Student Support Services and McKinney Vento Liaison
Phone:  315-435-4131

To ensure the educational stability of a student in foster care, the Department of Social Services shall contact Janel Milana, at 315-435-4131, as soon as a child who is currently a student in the district has been placed in foster care or changed foster care placement.  Together the LDSS POC and the LEA POC will take the necessary steps to collaborate to make a best interest determination that considers the student’s individual situation and educational program and needs. 
A student entering foster care may attend the school that is in their best interest and have transportation to the school, the New York State Education Department (SED) and the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) have collaborated to develop a state policy for school transportation of students placed in foster care.
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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