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Pension Plan/ Investment Opportunities


As a public employee, you are eligible to enroll in the NYS pension plan.  The SCSD also offers other investment options.


NYS Pension Plans/Investment Opportunities:

Civil Service Employees

The New York State Employees' Retirement System (NYSERS) covers more than 600,000 workers from state and local governments.  As a member of the NYSERS, employees are entitled to a defined pension benefit based on their years of service in the public sector plus their final average salary.


Is the District's 3rd party administrator for the 403(b) and 457(b) retirement plans

Start/Change Contributions
403 B List of Approved Vendors
NYS 457 Plan

Instructional Employees

The New York State Teachers' Retirement System (NYSTRS) manages the fund from which NYS public school teachers and administrators receive retirement benefits.  Their mission is to provide members with a secure pension.

403B Plan Documentation

SCSD 403(b) Retirement Plan Document
403(b) Plan Adoption Agreement
IRS Plan Document Approval
Universal Availability Notice



Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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