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Our Reopening Fall 2020 Plan

Reopening Plan 2020 > Operations & Finance

Operations & Finance


Health & Safety

Students and staff must stay home if they experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever (a temperature greater than 100.0F) or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
All visitors must sign the protocol for visitors to the campus prior to entry.

Staff are required to complete a daily screening questionnaire. Self-service stations are to be used by visitors and staff who forget to take their temperature prior to arrival or those who do not know their temperature ensuring that they do not have a fever (greater than 100.00F). Visitors and staff will self-scan their forehead, read their results and respond accordingly. A full protocol can be found under “District Resources.”

Students' temperatures will be taken daily upon arrival at school by school staff members. Protocol for staff members who are doing temperature checks for students can be found under district resources. (Top)

Face Covering
Students and staff are expected to wear a face covering unless unable to tolerate a face covering, including where such covering would impair physical health or mental health. District will provide masks for students and staff. Full guidance on wearing face coverings can be found under “District Resources.” (Top)

Clean Hands
Hand washing breaks for students and staff will be incorporated several times during the school day as determined by building administration. At a minimum staff and students will wash their hands:

  • Upon entering the building and each classroom
  • After using shared objects or surfaces (e.g. electronic devices, musical instruments, writing utensils, tools, toys, desks, table tops)
  • Before and after snacks and lunch
  • After using the bathroom
  • After helping a student toileting
  • After sneezing, wiping, blowing nose, or coughing into hands
  • Upon coming in from outdoors
  • When hands are visibly soiled
Because germs can live under artificial fingernails both before and after using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and handwashing, additional guidance on hand hygiene, including fingernails, wearing of gloves, etc. can be found on the full District Guidance document. (Top)

Respiratory Hygiene
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow if no tissue is available.
  • Use tissues and throw them away in a trash receptacle.
  • Avoid touching your nose or mouth.
  • Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer after touching your nose or mouth.

When You Have Symptoms or are Ill
Any person, staff or students, who are suspected to have the COVID-like symptoms are asked to go to or are escorted to the isolation room. Immediately call the parent/guardian if the person is a student and request the school nurse to assess the individual. Any staff member who is assessing a symptomatic person must wear the proper personal protective equipment as outlined in the personal protective equipment sections. Full guidance can be found under “District Resources.”

For a COVID-19 symptomatic staff or student, immediately separate and place the person in a single-person room (isolation room) with the door closed. Be sure that the sick student or staff member is wearing a mask. If possible, they should have access to a dedicated bathroom. Do not place multiple sick persons in the isolation room together, if possible. More than one person can be in the isolation room if persons have similar symptoms, are wearing a mask and can socially distance by 6 feet. If no isolation room is available, separate individuals, ensure the individual wears a mask, place the person in an area with privacy screens, and maintain social distancing. (Top)

COVID-19 Testing
Persons tested for COVID-19 who have active symptoms are to stay home until the test is resulted. Persons with active symptoms or who have been diagnosed with positive COVID-19 follow the  return to work or school guidelines. Full guidance can be found under “District Resources.” (Top)

Health Services Staff
All Health Services staff will be required to wear a face mask while performing job duties when 6 feet of social distancing cannot be maintained. All Health Services staff will be required to perform self-temperature checks before coming to work and to stay home if sick.

Nurses, health aides, and any staff member that need to don PPE in the direct care of an individual who is exhibiting signs and symptoms of a highly contagious disease such as COVID -19 will  wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect the wearer’s body from infection when providing care to a potentially infected individual. PPE items include: gown, gloves, N95 respirator, face shield and should be worn in the direct care of individual who is exhibiting the following:
  • Fever (over 100.0F) or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
Initial orders for PPE will be sent to each school. Thereafter, Teaching, Learning and Administrative staff will order PPE through Typist II in building or department from BOVA Stock on monthly basis but sooner if supplies are needed. Nurses and Health Aides continue to order PPE through Health Services from BOVA Stock. Custodial, Security and Food Service staff continue to order PPE as previously done.

To ensure adequate PPE supplies are available at all times, schools will maintain a daily inventory list. District Bova warehouse will maintain inventory of PPE for efficient delivery to school buildings. (Top)

Training & Compliance
A COVID-19 Safety Coordinator who assists with compliance with reopening plans and phased in reopening activities will be identified.

COVID-19 training for staff will be through SafeSchools online learning platform, webinars, professional development sessions, virtual meetings, electronic communication, signage and posts concerning COVID-19 to the Syracuse City School District Health Service webpage and the Syracuse City School District COVID-19 webpage. (Top)

Meal Service

Meals at School
Meals will be available to all enrolled students at scheduled mealtimes. Students will consume breakfast and lunch in classrooms while practicing social distancing, remaining six feet apart while consuming meals.

Face masks for all students physically able must be worn, and hand hygiene must be practiced during meal time. Hand sanitizer units will be present for students to use during meal pick up as well as additional face coverings for students to wear if needed.
Sharing of foods and beverages will not be allowed. (Top)

Clean Space
Any space where students eat will be disinfected and sanitized between class and staff uses with approved cleaners (i.e. after each class comes through the line, the line will be sanitized with Sani-wipes or equivalent). (Top)

Meals for Home
Pre-packaged school meals will be distributed at dismissal containing breakfast and lunch to be consumed off site during remote learning for the remainder of the week.

Pre-packaged school meals will be distributed containing breakfast and lunch to be consumed off site during remote learning at various sites throughout the district.

All other students participating in remote learning will be provided bulk pre-packaged breakfast and lunch meal kits available at established meal pick up sites including but not limited to: community centers, public libraries, school buildings, bus stop locations and more during pre-selected meal service times.  All Meal pick up sites will be available three days per week as grab and go meals. Meal pick up sites will display signage alerting students off potential allergens located in grab and go meal units to warrant caution for individual meal consumption. (Top)

Home Bound Options
Home bound and medically fragile students will be provided breakfast and lunch meal kits through delivery. Medically fragile or homebound students who will receive at home meal delivery with food allergies/special meal accommodations will be identified through our student information system. 

All home delivered specialized meals will be labeled appropriately and developed by the Food and Nutrition department. (Top)

Staff Procedures
All Food & Nutrition Services Department staff will complete covid-19 related instructional education as a part of their minimum hours of annual training per Professional Standards for school nutrition professionals mandated by the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010. Instructional materials and guidance will be provided throughout the school year to remind staff and students of the importance of being safe and practicing good hygiene habits. This will occur through small group settings at a designated training school location.

All Food & Nutrition Services staff will be required to wear a face mask while performing job duties, especially in shared spaces. All Food & Nutrition Services staff will be required to perform self-temperature checks before coming to work and to stay home if ill or registering a temperature of greater than 100.0F. Food service staff will ensure that all district guidelines related to health & safety are adhered to; this includes but is not limited to, regular hand hygiene, wearing of gloves and face masks, sanitation of workspaces, use of hand sanitizer when appropriate. Standard operating procedures will reflect these. Social distancing between staff members required when applicable and feasible, utilizing open café spaces for food service operations as appropriate when not in use. Reminder memos will be issued to staff to stress the importance of compliance with these practices.

The department will also include instructional material related to COVID-19 in the mandated annual continuing education provided to staff.

Hand sanitizer units will be present for staff to use during meal pick up as well as additional PPE (such as gloves and masks) to wear if needed at all off site meal pick up locations.

Staffing will be allocated based on Meal Equivalent (MEq) data from average daily participation data to ensure appropriate staffing levels at service sites and production kitchens while maintaining social distancing as able. This will ensure adequate staffing at all service and production points in the operation.

When 100% remote, Off-Site Partner agencies will be staffed with Food Service employees. In addition, grab and go products will be on hand in par stock quantities and made available to all meal site pick up locations.

All applicable materials and methods of communication will be translated into spoken languages by district Communications Department.

MySchoolApps will be the primary platform for Household Eligibility Applications to promote an electronic platform for completion. (Top)



Creation of a district-wide survey to determine level of access to devices and high-speed internet all students and teachers have at home. Distribution of devices and wifi access as determined by the survey. (Top)


Bus Rules & Prevention
All students who are physically able must wear a face covering or mask while on the school bus at all times. The district will provide drivers with additional disposable masks for students who forget their mask. No student will be denied transportation.
Students will maintain a distance of 6 feet apart except for siblings of the same household. Siblings will be allowed to sit 2 or 3 to a seat.

Seating arrangements will be planned to ensure social distancing. Non-sibling students will be placed one student per seat directly against the bus window.

Students with special needs or other disabilities will be accommodated with or without standard PPE. No student whether disabled, has a special need, or other will be denied transportation.

Transportation will be provided as Individualized Education Programs require for individual students.

All staff and students are required to wear masks upon entry and during the bus trip at all times. When students enter the school bus they will load from back to front. When exiting, students will exit front to back. (Top)

Transportation Staff
All drivers and monitors must complete all required COVID-19 courses and training provided by the district or approved by the appropriate agency, including before the start of school and continuous online training. Instructional material will include proper PPE, social distancing, and practicing safe hygiene habits.

All school bus drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics are required to wear a face covering or mask with the option of a face shield. Drivers and attendants who must physically support a student are required to wear gloves. All PPE such as gloves and masks will be provided by the district.

All bus staff will be required to perform self-temperature checks before coming to work. Bus staff will make sure that all district guidelines related to health & safety are being followed. (Top)

Disinfecting Buses
School buses shall not be equipped with hand sanitizer due to its combustible composition and potential liability to the carrier or district, nor do school bus drivers, monitors and attendants carry personal bottles of hand sanitizer with them on school buses. District will provide hand sanitizer in other locations.

Buses will be disinfected after every AM & PM run ensuring high contact spots are wiped down completely. A highly disinfecting spray will be used to disinfect the buses once per month. A daily & monthly log will be kept and submitted to the district's Transportation Director.Drivers & Monitors will provide weekly delivery of instructional materials or meal service in the event a fully virtual school year is decided or a complete shut down due to a worsening of COVID-19. (Top)


Contact Tracing
Once the visitor, guest, contractor and/or vendor completes the pre-entry mandatory health screening, DPS staff will monitor the mandatory use of the electronic visitor management system (RAPTOR) to provide 100% positive identification of all unscheduled visitors to the schools, and record their information for any necessary contact tracing which may result from a later diagnosis of the COVID-19. (Top)

Will ensure that mandatory signage is placed at each designated visitor entry notifying all visitors that they will require photo identification and to register to access the building for a scheduled and/or unscheduled visit. The visitor will also need to visibly display the temporary visitor ID sticker while upon the premises.

Security Staff assigned to the building will personally escort all unscheduled visitors, once they have completed the necessary pre-entry health screening, to the location specific to their visit, should it be the main office or the health office. At no time shall visitors be allowed to freely tour the building, during the school day, or proceed directly to any classroom unescorted by DPS staff. (Top)

Mobile Security Patrol
Mobile security patrol will complete a transport of any students so identified as becoming ill with the symptoms of COVID-19 at schools, only in such cases as a person within a parental role is unable to physically respond to the school to retrieve the identified student, in such case of not having any means of transportation, or the creation of a hardship in the supervision of any other minor children which may reside within the same residence. Full guidance on the mobile security patrol can be found under “District Resources.”DPS will design a staggered safety drill schedule to be utilized by all schools in the completion of all required mandatory safety drills as required by NYS Education Law Section 807, within the electronic emergency management module of the RAPTOR emergency management system.  The District has adopted the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) XL model, which is within the NYS Education law standards for drills, and will continue to utilize the SRP model. The electronic system will allow for the efficient scheduling of all future drills by school, while also providing the required reporting documentation. In addition, DPS will develop appropriate modifications to the drills. (Top)


Social Distancing
Class sizes should be based on square footage of instructional rooms and ability to ensure social distancing. Limit number of people in teacher rooms, communal rooms, meeting rooms to encourage social distancing. (Top)

Cleaning & Disinfecting
Develop cleaning standards and protocols for minimizing use of, sanitizing and schedule of required cleaning frequency. For example, no lockers available for use. On a daily basis, the District’s custodians will perform routine cleaning depending on building use and number of occupants in each space. Items that appear to be dirty shall be cleaned. 

On a daily basis, staff shall be diligent about disinfecting high contact surfaces that could spread COVID-19.  Staff will contact their supervisors regarding the removal of surplus materials. Custodians will provide spray bottles of an EPA approved disinfectant and paper towels to building staff members to clean up student spills and messes. 

If warranted, buildings may be disinfected by custodial staff during non-occupied hours using electrostatic sprayers and/or fogging style applicators with an EPA approved disinfectant.

If someone is identified by a building administrator or Human Resources as suspected of being ill, custodians will disinfect in accordance with the procedures above in areas of the building where the person was present. If someone is confirmed to have COVID-19, the District will seek direction from the Onondaga County Health Department as well as the CDC’s reopening decision tool. Sections of the building or the entire building may be closed for further disinfection or disinfected off hours depending on the circumstances. (Top)

Drinking Fountains
Based on usage, drinking fountains will be periodically sanitized during the school day and sanitized every evening. Buildings currently have drinking fountains that meet building code for public school district use including drinking fountain fixture counts. The District has accelerated its program to add bottle filling drinking fountains to each school building. (Top)

Building occupants are encouraged to use stairs over elevators, unless absolutely necessary. (Top)

Safety Drills
District will create written protocol to conduct required school safety drills with modifications ensuring social distancing between persons.(Top)

Safety Barriers & PPE
Installation of polycarbonate barriers that meet NYSED requirements in the main offices of all school buildings (and classrooms, libraries, cafeterias, auditoriums, gymnasiums, doors, and other points of congregation). In support buildings, barriers have been installed on counters frequently used by the public.

The District will provide personal protection equipment (PPE) to custodial staff. (Top)

Building HVAC systems will be operated for longer periods of time in “occupied” mode so that additional fresh air and ventilation are brought into spaces and air is exchanged more frequently. Where possible, HVAC equipment controls have been programmed by vendor to increase air exchanges. In addition, air filtration will be increased by utilizing higher rated MERV filters in HVAC equipment with a goal of MERV 13 minimum. Air filters will be changed at more frequent intervals than normal operations. HVAC coils will be more frequently cleaned and sanitized in accordance with manufacturer’s directions. (Top)

Changes or additions to facilities will comply with the requirements of the 2020 New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (BC) and the State Energy Conservation Code and submit all changes to OFP. Ensure compliance with the 2020 Building Condition Survey and Visual Inspection, where applicable. District will conduct the Lead-In-Water Testing as required by NYS DOH regulation 67-4. Testing data will posted on District website and uploaded into NYS database.Ensure all existing and new Alcohol-based Hand-Rub Dispensers which are installed in any locations are in accordance with FCNYS 2020 Section 5705.5. Ensure that all new building construction and temporary quarter project will be submitted to OFP for a full code review. 
Include new facilities for leasing must provide a plan to consult with OFP for a preliminary evaluation. Include the temporary or permanent use of Tents must provide plans adhering to the BCNYS.Ensure that the existing or altered number of toilet and sink fixtures meet the minimum standards of the BCNYS.

Ensure that all project submissions only dedicated to “COVID-19 Reopening” will be labeled as such. (Top)


Students must wear masks while moving in and throughout the school building. Efforts must be in place to minimize the number of students in common areas including entrances and hallways at all times. (Top)

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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