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Our Reopening Fall 2020 Plan

Reopening Plan 2020 > Well-Being & Culture

Well-Being & Culture

SCSD is committed to building a culture of belonging and providing structures to support the mental and social emotional health of staff members. In addition, SCSD will provide structures and resources to build cultures across teams and instructional models, whether in-person or remote.  


Mental Health & Well-Being for Staff

District Wide Wellness Committee will design and develop:
  • community building activities
  • presentations for Mental Health, Wellness, and Safety
  • HR “Guidance Resource” will be provided to schools
  • weekly communication that will be shared and posted on a web page on the SCSD site
Each school and department will have a Wellness Champion who will lead staff in professional development for health and safety.

The Director of Student Support Services will evaluate staffing capacity to provide mental health services to students and creation of a plan to fill areas of need.  (Top)

Staff Onboarding of Reentry Plan

Professional Development on District-wide safety protocols should be included in staff onboarding. PD will include information on district, NYSED, and CDC guidance.

District-Wide Wellness committee develops recommendations for social interactions “how to have hand shakes, hugs etc. while social distancing." District wide focus groups will be held in conjunction with the OFE and an FAQ document will be created. HR will post FAQs on website.  (Top)

Ongoing Supports

Before and after school programs (including before and aftercare) will begin in November. Programs will follow all grant guidelines. Schools will continue to provide services for students. If schools are closed or days shorten due to COVID-19, programs will be available online.

School Intervention teams (social workers, counselors etc.) will provide students and families with resources for mental health services.

The District-Wide Wellness Committee will design turnkey professional development on “how to talk with and support students during and after the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency.”  (Top)
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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