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COVID Testing Survey Reminder

November 12, 2020

Dear Syracuse City School District Families and Staff, 

As I previously shared with you, we are a part of the COVID -19 "Yellow Zone," as identified by Governor Cuomo.  As a result, we are now required to have 20% of our students and staff who are attending school in person tested for COVID-19 on a weekly basis in order to keep schools open for in-person learning.

The Onondaga County Health Department will be leading the testing at our schools and will be releasing a schedule with dates and times for testing for each school.  Once we have this schedule, building principals will share how students and staff can register to be tested.  The testing centers will be in school cafeterias, and parents will be able to accompany their children during the testing.

We will have a demonstration video posted on our website with information on the testing if you want to see an example of what the testing will look like.  Please visit and click on the COVID-19 banner.

Should anyone test positive, staff or student, we will follow the COVID-19 protocols in place at each school. If a child tests positive, a parent/guardian will be responsible for taking the child home. If a staff member tests positive, he or she will be sent home. The County Health Department will be in contact with the person who tested positive, as well as anyone who may have been in close contact with that person, to provide instructions on isolation and begin contact tracing.

If your child attends school in person, or if you are a staff member working in a school building, please remember to fill out the COVID survey to indicate your willingness to be tested. The link to the student survey is available on our website as well as on both Facebook and Twitter pages. The link to the staff survey is available on the SCSD Intranet.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office or your school principal.  Thank you and have a good afternoon.


Jaime Alicea, Superintendent of Schools

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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