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COVID Cases Confirmed in SCSD Schools & Weather Update

December 16, 2020

Dear Syracuse City School District Families and Staff, 

With snow in our forecast for tonight and tomorrow, I wanted to let you know that should we be closed due to inclement weather tomorrow or at any time this school year, students will be expected to attend school virtually with 100% remote learning. Also, if our buildings are closed tomorrow due to inclement weather all COVID-19 Orange Zone testing scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, December 17th will be rescheduled for Friday. 

Today, we have been notified by the Onondaga County Health Department (OCHD) that we had six students and five staff members who have tested positive for COVID-19.  

Two of the students are virtual learners and have not been in school and the remaining students are from Huntington (student was last in school on November 24th), Salem Hyde (student was last in school November 24th), Syracuse Latin (student was last in school December 10th) and Van Duyn (student was last in school December 10th). 

There are two staff members from Salem Hyde (they were last in school December 4th and December 14th), one staff member from Ed Smith (last in school December 11th), one staff member from the Registration Center (last in the office December 15th) and one staff member from Porter (last in school December 11th).

District building administration or Health Services staff will be in touch with those who have been exposed to individuals who have tested positive and will provide further direction on quarantines per guidance from the OCHD will be given.

Please remember to wear your mask, stay socially distanced and wash your hands.  


Jaime Alicea
Superintendent of Schools
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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