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COVID Cases Confirmed in SCSD Schools & SCSD Going Remote on 12/21

December 17, 2020

Dear Syracuse City School District Families and Staff, 

Due to the increased number of staff and students currently in isolation and/or quarantine due to COVID-19, the district will be switching to 100% remote instruction for all students and staff beginning Monday, December 21st.  We will plan on returning to our hybrid model of instruction on Monday, January 4th.  All students should plan to take part in remote instruction Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

Today, we have been notified by the Onondaga County Health Department (OCHD) that we had seven more students and six additional staff members who have tested positive for COVID-19.
Six of the students are virtual learners and have not been in school and the remaining student is from Nottingham and was last in school on December 4th. The staff members are from Brighton Academy (last in school November 12th), Grant (last in school December 10th), Promising Futures Leadership Academy (last in school December 17th), Public Service Leadership Academy (last in school December 17th), the Facilities Department (last at work December 8th) and Seymour (last in school December 14th).

District building administration or Health Services staff will be in touch with those who have been exposed to individuals who have tested positive and will provide further direction on quarantines per guidance from the OCHD will be given.

Please remember to wear your mask, stay socially distanced and wash your hands.   Thank you for your support and understanding during these changing times.

Jaime Alicea, Superintendent of Schools

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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