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SCSD to Resume Additional In-Person Learning Beginning April 12th

On March 22, 2021, Superintendent Alicea presented a plan to the Board of Education that allows for students to return to school for more days of in-person learning.  Both Onondaga County and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have provided guidance that decreases the recommended space between students from six feet to three feet.  This change allows us the space to bring more students safely into each classroom. 

Thanks to the great number of responses to our return-to-school survey, we know that many of you want more days of in-person instruction per week. We also know that some families are still more comfortable with the remote model, and therefore we will continue to offer synchronous remote learning at all grade levels as an alternative option.

With a priority on health and safety during this return, it is imperative that we remain diligent with all of the things that helped us get to this point.  Masks will still be required for all students and staff, social distancing and hand washing will remain a priority, and desk dividers will stay in place.  We will continue to ask you to monitor your child’s health before sending him or her to school.  Our custodial staff will continue with the disinfecting of our schools, and Onondaga County will continue to offer testing for students and staff.

We intend to implement the following schedule on April 12th, 2021:

Grades Pre-K - 5

Student in grades Pre K-5 will be offered in-person instruction Monday through Friday from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. Those wishing to stay fully remote will participate in synchronous online instruction and lessons provided through WCNY. 

Grades 6-8

Middle school students in grades 6-8 will be offered in-person instruction Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:45 am - 12:45 pm.  Middle school students who choose to remain fully remote will participate in synchronous online instruction during that time. All middle school students will have online instruction in the afternoon, with Wednesdays being an asynchronous instruction and outreach day.

High School

At the high school level, students in grades 9-12 will have in-person instruction two days a week: Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday, all from 8:45 am - 12:45 pm. All students (remote or in-person) will have online instruction in the afternoon, and Wednesday will be an asynchronous instruction and outreach day. 

Any student currently attending school 4-days a week will remain in school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Fully remote learners will participate in synchronous online instruction from 8:45-3:40 or 4:40, depending on their school.

Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we work through the details of increasing in person instruction. The PowerPoint proposal with more details is available on our website, and your child’s principal will be sharing building specific information with you as we get closer to the target date. We are very excited to be welcoming more students back into our schools!
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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