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Kessler Scholar Virtual Conference - Join us in Person or Virtually!

On November 6th at 6:00PM, NYGEAR UP will host the first of a series of virtual panel discussions with the Kessler Scholars. During this time, the scholars, all currently in college, will give a brief overview on the Kessler Scholars program and what makes it special, discuss their experiences as first-generation college students, what made them first think that college was the right place for them, what 8th grade students should be doing now to make themselves college ready and what challenges they faced as they started high school. The scholars will also answer questions from the audience.

This is Placeholder Text for the Design Mockup

Aximet aute volorenit, quisimendiam nem qui cumquas periberferum sit harcia id utatur rero ditas aligent.

Velicius quiae pre resed quam sint eumquo est is eictem. Iquam eat que omniet ommo test, seditium cullescime lab inullat ad quibeaq uassimagnis solorpos et, eum est ullaccu llorectur?

This is Placeholder Text for the Design Mockup

Aximet aute volorenit, quisimendiam nem qui cumquas periberferum sit harcia id utatur rero ditas aligent.

Velicius quiae pre resed quam sint eumquo est is eictem. Iquam eat que omniet ommo test, seditium cullescime lab inullat ad quibeaq uassimagnis solorpos et, eum est ullaccu llorectur?

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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