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Oasis Academy Student Supports

Tier 1
Universal Supports
Schoolwide and classroom practices that promote the development and practice of pro-social behaviors, self-discipline, habits of learning, and healthy well-being.
Todd Bradbury
Dignity Act Coordinator
Antonio Herre
Dignity Act Coordinator
Student Support Center Staff
Jadin Nourse
Office of Family Engagement
Parent Program Aide
Todd Bradbury 
School Counselor 
Tier 2
Targeted Supports
Coordinated supports that match students’ social, emotional, and mental health needs to address the root cause of an issue.
Kelly Abt
Special Education Liaison
Providenza Procopio
Social Worker
Jessa Salibrici
Section 504 Administrator
Promis Zone Specialiist 
Tier 3
Intensive Supports
Intensive, specialized support.
Family Support for Student Success,
School and Family Support
Joe Atkins
Access School Liason
Allison DeForest
School Psychologist
Mental Health Clinician, ARISE
Student and Family Supports are Available!
The SCSD has many academic, social, emotional and mental health supports available to students. School social workers can help connect you and your child to in school and/or out of school supports that meet your needs. Please call us at (315) 435-6226 and ask to speak with a Social Worker for more information and assistance.
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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