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PSLA Students Participate in Search & Rescue Simulation

This is a photo of five PSLA Fire Rescue students, in full fire uniforms, standing alongside a fence at Springside Farm.“Anyone have questions about handcuffing or the Miranda Rights?”
Cadet Vincent Blocker, a junior in the PSLA Law Enforcement program, asked his classmates as they stood outside a corn maze at Springside Farm in Fabius.
“I'm Playing lieutenant today,” he added, as an aside.
“We’re going to need four people on the perimeter. One by the entrance to make sure no one goes in or out unless they're EMT or Fire performing medical. If they don't have a uniform and they weren't called in, don't let them in,” he told his classmates.
Geospatial Technology students partnered with Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) students to use drones to map data and pinpoint locations within the corn maze. Emergency Medical Technician and Fire Rescue students worked together to enter the maze, perform immediate medical care, and remove an injured ‘victim’ from the maze. Forensics students scoured the scene to discover evidence; and Law Enforcement students spread out to secure the perimeter of the maze, identify witnesses, and ultimately apprehend a suspect.
In the annual Search and Rescue simulation, PSLA Career and Technical Education (CTE) students have the opportunity to apply skills and techniques they practice in their pathways of study. The Law Enforcement students also led their classmates in a handcuff seminar, and staff from Upstate were on hand to teach a “Stop the Bleed” first aid lesson.
“This is a real-life, real-world experience of the professional endeavors that these students have expressed interest in,” Geospatial Intelligence Instructor Allan Rouse explained. “Working together in a field environment, they gain firsthand knowledge and confidence that will help them in their future careers.”
What a tremendous opportunity for these CTE students to show their #SCSDCareerReady skills! To learn more about the CTE programs offered in the SCSD, visit
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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