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Promise Zone

This year Lincoln Middle School is happy to welcome Mr. Duncan, our Promise Zone specialist to our team of teachers who are here to work with our students. Check back to this page for more information about upcoming events hosted by Mr. Duncan.

More about Mr. Duncan:
Born and raised in Detroit Michigan, Dennis Duncan, affectionately known to the students as "Mr. D", has voyaged to Syracuse, completed his graduate studies, and is presently looking to impact the lives of young students through joining the Lincoln Middle School staff and family. Mr. Duncan serves Lincoln Middle School as the Promise Zone Specialist, which will serve to assist the student support team with behavior and inerventions in support of the Syracuse City School's Student Code of Conduct.

Mr. Duncan recieved his BA from Albion College where he also played college football for four years. He recently completed his MA from Syracuse University. Mr. Duncan enjoys writing music, singing and dancing in his spare time, and loves seeking new adventures. Please feel free to stop by the guidence office and meet Lincoln's new Promise Zone Specialist. Mr. Duncan is excited to meet you!

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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