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Frequently Asked Questions:


  1. Who is eligible for Kindergarten?
Residents of the City of Syracuse are eligible to register for kindergarten.  Children MUST be 5 years old by December 1, born between 12/2/09 and 12/1/10.
  1. Is Kindergarten mandatory?
If you enroll your child in the Syracuse City School District, you have the option of removing him/her on or before December 1 of the year he/she is enrolled.  Any kindergartener who is not removed by December 1, or who is enrolled after December 1, must remain enrolled and attend school.
  1. Where will my child be enrolled for Kindergarten?
Your child will be assigned to his/her home school.  This school is designated based on your current home address.
Please Note: If your child receives special education services, your child’s school placement will be confirmed at his/her Committee on Special Education (CSE) meeting that will be held prior to the beginning of the upcoming school year.  This assignment will also be detailed at the top of your child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
  1. Is my child tested if he/she speaks a language other than English?
The district is required to test all Pre-K students who speak a language other than English prior to the student entering kindergarten.  Therefore, if during the Pre-K registration process you indicated on the Home Language Questionnaire that your child speaks a language other than English, he/she will be tested for English language proficiency this spring. The district is required to complete the identification process before an English language learner student receives a final school placement.  For additional information, please call 435-6000 ext. 5040.
  1. Can I transfer my child to a different school?
You are eligible to request a transfer if you:
  1. Move and provide proof of address change.
  2. Are interested in your child joining his/her sibling (brother or sister residing in the same household) at another school in the district.
  3. Would like your child to attend a school within your quadrant.
You will be required to complete a transfer application.  The Student Transfer Application will be available online May 1, 2015 at  All transfer applications must be submitted by May 31, 2014.
Please Note: submitting a transfer request does not guarantee that your child will be transferred.  Approval of your request is based on the availability of kindergarten seats in the school of your choice, and your child’s eligibility as determined by the criteria (1, 2 and 3) listed above.
  1. What if there isn’t enough space for my child in our home school?
In the event that we have more students who qualify for enrollment than we have seats available, the district will hold a lottery to ensure a fair and equitable placement process.  If this is the case, you will receive a letter with further details regarding the school lottery process.
  1. What are the health requirements for students entering Kindergarten?
The New York State Department of Health has revised the immunization requirements for school attendance.  Therefore, your child may require additional immunizations before entering kindergarten.  Please contact your health care provider for additional information.
You are required to provide a copy of your child’s updated physical, signed by a licensed New York State health care provider, and updated shot records to the school nurse by September 7.  If your child is scheduled to see his/her health care provider after the start of the school year, you can provide the school nurse with an appointment letter or card detailing the appointment date.
  1. Will my child receive transportation?
Your child is eligible to receive transportation if he/she:
  • Lives more than 1.5 miles from the school.
  • Is a special needs student and has a special designation for transportation on his/her Individual Education Plan (IEP).
  • Receives medical authorization through Health Services (435-4145).
  1. Will I have an opportunity to visit my child’s school before September?
Yes. You will receive a notice from your child’s school detailing the Kindergarten Orientation sessions.     Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to visit your child’s school. This information will also be posted on our website
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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