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Shift II: Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence IFC Assessment Links for use as Formative Performance Tasks
Social Studies Shift 2 and Information Fluency Continuum Crosswalk
Define and frame questions about events and the world in which we live, form hypotheses as potential answers to these questions, use evidence to answer these questions, and consider and analyze counter-hypotheses.
Identify, describe, and evaluate evidence about events from diverse sources.
Analyze evidence in terms of content, authorship, point of view, bias, purpose, format, and audience.
Describe, analyze, and evaluate arguments of others.
Make inferences and draw conclusions from evidence.
Deconstruct and construct plausible and persuasive arguments using evidence.
Create meaningful and persuasive understandings of the past by fusing disparate and relevant evidence from primary and secondary sources and drawing connections to the present.
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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