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Superintendent's Student Cabinet

The Superintendent’s Student Cabinet is made up of students from each of the five SCSD high schools. They meet with the Superintendent during the course of the year to discuss and learn about initiatives and programs in the district. The students provide the Superintendent with valuable feedback and input concerning district wide and school-related opportunities and challenges. They also help to advise the Superintendent and act as ambassadors for their schools by sharing what they learn with their fellow students.

To view photos from the 2014 Student Cabinet, please visit our Flickr album >>>


Inaugural Student Voices Symposium

In May 2016, the SCSD hosted its first 'Student Voices Symposium,' an opportunity for middle and high school students throughout the SCSD to provide valuable feedback on their educational experience.

To view photos from the Inaugural Student Voices Symposium, please visit our Flickr album >>>
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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