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2016-17 Budget Information

The proposed 2016-17 budget focuses on improving student achievement by aligning resources with the goals in the final year of the district’s strategic plan, Great Expectations 2012-2017.  In particular, the budget is predicated on five priorities:
1.  Academic Intervention Services to supplement the instruction provided in the general curriculum and assist students in meeting learning standards, particularly in Math and English Language Arts (ELA).
2.  Support for English as a New Language (ENL) students to ensure the needs of Syracuse City School District’s expanding multilingual population are served.
3.  Blended Personalized Learning initiative to transform education in Syracuse City School District byallowing teachers to use technology to tailor instruction to each student’s strengths, needs and interests.
4.  School Turnaround / New School Development / School Choice to infuse more choices into our school system and introduce more high quality options for families as a key strategy for school turnaround.
5.  Continued expansion of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs to address career readiness in projected regional, state and national growth fields and provide cutting-edge instruction, technology, equipment and materials for these programs.

2016-17 Budget Timeline

2/25    Proposed Budget Presentation
2/29    Public Hearing (other Public Hearing dates pending 3/3 or week of 3/7)
3/16    Board Approval of Proposed Budget
3/31    State Legislative Aid
4/13    Board Adoption of Final Budget
5/10    Board Approval of Position Changes 

Listed below are the presentation provided to the Board of Education and the 2016-17 Budget FAQ's. 

2016-17 Adopted Budget Book
2016-17 Adopted Budget Presentation (April 20, 2016)

Budget FAQ's 
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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