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2017-18 Budget Information

The proposed 2017-18 budget focuses on aligning resources across schools and programs based on strategic initiatives, enrollment projections, and student programming needs.  Throughout the budget, we have considered specific linkages between resource allocation and the resulting impact on student achievement.  In particular, the budget includes funding for the following priorities:
  1. Academic Intervention Services to supplement the instruction provided in the general curriculum and assist students in meeting learning standards, particularly in Math and English Language Arts.
  2. Personalized Learning initiative to transform education in SCSD by allowing teachers to use technology to tailor instruction to each student’s strengths, needs and interests.
  3. Additional instruction and support staffing for English as a New Language (ENL) students.
  4. Continued expansion of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in all of our high schools.
  5. Extended Learning Time to provide additional instructional time, enrichment opportunities, and collaborative teacher planning time at 15 schools serving over 9,000 students.
  6. Expanded School-Based Health staffing to help meet the growing health needs of our students.

2017-18 Budget Timeline

2/8      Proposed Budget Presentation
2/27    Public Hearing
3/2      Public Hearing
3/8      Board Approval of Proposed Budget
3/31    State Legislative Aid
4/26    Board Adoption of Final Budget
5/2      Presentation to the Common Council
5/3      Public Hearing on City and School District Budget

Listed below are the documents provided to the Board of Education.

2017-18 Adopted Budget Book

Questions or comments regarding the Proposed Budget may be submitted through Let's Talk

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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