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The Vocabulary Project for 6th Grade

Last year our students made gains in both Math and ELA.  Our goal is to continue this positive trend and one way to achieve this is to increase our students' content and academic vocabularies.  This is why we are implementing the vocabulary project which will take place throughout the school year.  Below are the lists of important 6th grade vocabulary from ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  There will be a grade given for the vocabulary in all four core classes.

In order to create more organization to the project, students will be turning in smaller sections of the project at the end of each marking period.  This means that the list is divided into four sections which are differentiated on the vocabulary lists by font.  Here are the following due dates:
  • BOLD words are due at the end of Marking Period 1  (by October 26th)
  • Italic words are due at the end of Marking Period 2 (by January 18th)
  • Underlined words are due at the end of Marking Period 3 (by April 5th)
  • Regular words are due at the end of Marking Period 4 (by June 25th)

Since this is a project students should be creative and neat when representing the vocabulary words. The words can be complied into a dictionary or ABC book.  The required components for each word are as follows:
  1. Definition of each word
  2. CHOOSE ONE:  Antonym, synonym, translation OR creative interpretation of each word
  3. Graphic representation
  4. Meaningful sentence or question 
Although your child will be given time during their "tutorial" class to work on this project a majority of the work will be happening at home.  Please sign the second page of the packet that will be coming home with your child so that we can confirm that you are aware of this year long homework assignment.  If your child has lost/misplaced the packet there is a link to a copy of the document below so that you can download, print it, and sign it.

Here are some online resources that students can use to find the vocabulary words.

1. Merriam-Webster Unabridged dictionary -
    (Since this is a district paid resource it might need a username and a password.  If so the username is syrsls and the password is       syrsls.)

2. Kids.Wordsmyth -

3. Word Central -

                                       6th Grade Science Vocabulary 
Constant Asteroid Stratosphere Tornadoes
Cyclic Comet Thermosphere Weather
Density Earth Troposphere Climate
Dependent Gravity Hydrosphere Equator
Direct Mass Clouds Latitude
Extrapolate Meteor Condensation Longitude
Indirect Meteorite Cycle Sea Level
Interpolate Moon Evaporation Thermal Energy
Liter Orbit Fog Wind
Meter Planet Freezing Point Erosion
Metric System Revolution Liquid Glacier
Patterns Satellite Precipitation Gravity
Trends Solar System Air Mass Deposition
Variable Tides Air Pressure Rock
Constellation Weight Barometer Sediment
Galaxy Eclipse Blizzard Soil
Spherical Horizon Condensation Physical Weathering
Telescope Altitude Evaporation Cementation
Temperature Atmosphere Fronts Crystallization
Universe Exosphere Humidity Deposit
Solar Gas Hurricanes Force
Axis Jet Stream Ice Storms Fossil
Lunar Mesosphere Polar Air Mass Weathering
Reflection Ozone Layer Prevailing Winds  
Seasons Stratified Thunderstorms  

                                         6th Grade ELA Vocabulary
Theme Benefit Argue Perspective
Tone Incorporate Persuade Support
Development Perspective Factor Thesis
Convey Structure Issue Identity
Contribute Cite Verify Figurative
Describe Contribution Convince Literal
Determine Justification Claim Genre
Structure Elaborate Oppose Invert
Role Implications Opinion Symbol
Support Hero Valid Impact
Pivotal Convey Source Synthesize

                                                 6th Grade Math Vocabulary
Ratio Factors Fraction Exponent Symmetry
Rate Multiples Coordinate Plane Expression Distribute
Unit Rate Dividend Quotient Quantity Perimeter
Equivalent Ratio Divisor Fluency Squared Area
Percent Reciprocal Equation Cubed Parallel
Double Number Line Algorithm Distributive Property Line of Symmetry Volume
Ratio Table Composite Number Expand Factor Ordered Pair
Convert Distributive Property Fluency Origin Fluency
Fluency Estimate Term Quadrant Formula
Prime Number Coordinate Pair Variable Whole Numbers  

                                                6th Grade Social Studies Vocabulary
Archaeologist Vegetation Allies Senate
Geographer Confucianism Autocracy Consul
Artifact Daoism Chronology Veto
Prehistoric Legalism Geology Tribune
Ritual Mandate of Heaven Geometry Republic
Historian Feudalism Latitude Constitution
Civilization Great Wall Longitude Civil War
Social Structure Censor Biology Dictator
Technology Immortal Theater Pax Romana
Merchant Dynasty Cavalry Forum
Artisan Bureaucracy Council of Elders Paterfamilias
Scribe Industry Colony Colosseum
Ziggurat Tribute Peninsula Myth
Culture Economy River Drama
Cuneiform Angor Plebeians Acropolis
Pictograph Sea Gladiator Oracle
Capital Mountain Cuniculus  Democracy
Siege Island Tyranny  Oligarchy

                               6th Grade Academic Language Vocabulary
Draw Define Calculate Arrange
Repeat Recall Recite Identify
Memorize State Recognize List
Label Illustrate Measure Report
Quote Match Name Infer
Categorize Classify Separate Estimate
Compare Relate Organize Construct
Modify Predict Interpret Distinguish
Summarize Revise Assess Investigate
Critique Connect Design Analyze
Create Prove Synthesize  

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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