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The Vocabulary Project for 7th Grade

Last year our students made gains in both Math and ELA.  Our goal is to continue this positive trend and one way to achieve this is to increase our students' content and academic vocabularies.  This is why we are implementing the vocabulary project which will take place throughout the school year.  Below are the lists of important 6th grade vocabulary from ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  There will be a grade given for the vocabulary in all four core classes.

In order to create more organization to the project, students will be turning in smaller sections of the project at the end of each marking period.  This means that the list is divided into four sections which are differentiated on the vocabulary lists by font.  Here are the following due dates:
  • BOLD words are due at the end of Marking Period 1  (by October 26th)
  • Italic words are due at the end of Marking Period 2 (by January 18th)
  • Underlined words are due at the end of Marking Period 3 (by April 5th)
  • Regular words are due at the end of Marking Period 4 (by June 25th)

Since this is a project students should be creative and neat when representing the vocabulary words. The words can be complied into a dictionary or ABC book.  The required components for each word are as follows:
  1. Definition of each word
  2. CHOOSE ONE:  Antonym, synonym, translation OR creative interpretation of each word
  3. Graphic representation
  4. Meaningful sentence or question 
Although your child will be given time during their "tutorial" class to work on this project a majority of the work will be happening at home.  Please sign the second page of the packet that will be coming home with your child so that we can confirm that you are aware of this year long homework assignment.  If your child has lost/misplaced the packet there is a link to a copy of the document below so that you can download, print it, and sign it.

Here are some online resources that students can use to find the vocabulary words.

1. Merriam-Webster Unabridged dictionary -
    (Since this is a district paid resource it might need a username and a password.  If so the username is syrsls and the password is       syrsls.)

2. Kids.Wordsmyth -

3. Word Central -

                                        7th Grade Science Vocabulary
Constant Cyclic Deductive Reasoning Density
Dependent Direct Gram Independent Extrapolate
Indirect Interpolate Inductive Reasoning Liter
Meter Metric System Newton Patterns
Trends Variable System International Volume
Classify Conclusion Dependent Variable
Control Group
Experimental Group Explanation Independent Variable
Inference Measure Observations Phenomena
Question Sequence Atom Electron
Molecule Negative Nucleus Particle
Positive Proton Temperature Displacement
Gas Liquid Graduated Cylinder Mass
Matter Ruler Triple-beam Balance Solid
Vibrate Element Metals Noble Gases
Nonmetals Periodic Table Reactivity Boiling Point
Calorie Celsius Conduction Convention
Endothermic Exothermic Expand Fahrenheit
Heat Melting Point Molecules Motion
Phases of Matter Radiation Solubility Boiling
Buoyancy Dissolve Characteristic Properties Density
Chemical Property Evaporation Filtration Freezing
Chemical Reaction Condensation Density Dissolve
Heat Solubility Solution Vibrations
Heterogeneous Homogeneous Insoluble Mixture
Magnetism Melting Law of Conservation of Mass Physical Property
Physical Reaction Products Reactants Solute
Solvent Energy Potential Energy Kinetic Energy
Thermal Energy Electrical Energy Gravitational Energy Chemical Energy
Absorption Color Spectrum Crest Diffraction
Frequency Gamma Rays Harmonic Motion Hertz
Infrared Light Light Longitudinal Waves Microwaves
Period Pendulum Reflection Refraction
Sound Trough Transverse Waves Ultraviolet Light
Wavelength Waves X-Rays Mperes
Vibrations Closed Circuit Conductor Current
Electromagnet Insulated Electro-magnetic Waves Magnet
Magnetic Field Ohm’s Law Poles Positive Electrons
Negative Electrons Static Electricity Switch Voltage
Watts Absolute Motion Acceleration Action
Average Speed Balanced Distance Force
Friction Gravity Inertia Lubricant
Motion Net Force Meters/Second Squared Reference Point
Reaction Speed Newton’s First Law Newton’s Second Law
Newton’s Third Law Unbalanced Velocity Gears
Inclined Plane Input Work Mechanical Advantage Lever
Output Work Pulley Simple Machines Wax
Wheel and Axle Battery Potential Energy Mass
Chemical Energy Electrical Energy Kinetic Energy Magnetism

                                  7th Grade ELA Vocabulary
Character Impact Inference Interact
Objective Setting Plot Summary
Theme Subjective Analysis Compelling
Elaboration Bias Central Idea Connotative
Figurative Influence Literal Perspective
Persuade Relevant Text Structure Validity
Anecdote Argue Claim Convince
Counter-Argument Credible Oppose Stance
Alliteration Contrast Contributes Drama
Metaphor Narrator Personification Point of View
Repetition Simile Credentials Implicate
Primary Secondary Source  

                                                  7th Grade Math Vocabulary
Ratio Rate Unit Rate Equivalent Ratio
Ratio Table Proportional Scale Drawing Inverse
Profit Repeat Terminate Absolute Value
Credit Debit Deposit Expression
Equation Integer Inverse Coefficient
Diameter Circumference Variable Number Sentence
Identity Term Distribute Factor
Inequality Segment Adjacent Angles Vertical Angles
Cube Right Rectangular Prism Percent Error Absolute Error
Area Fee Fraction Percent
Perimeter Greatest Common Factor Rational Number Probability
Tree Diagram Compound Event Measures of Center Random Sample
Simulation Mean Absolute Deviation Measures of Variability  

                                               7th Grade Social Studies Vocabulary
Migrate Environment Natural Resources Culture
Cultural Region Artifacts Witnesses Primary Sources
Oral History Radiocarbon Dating Slavery Colony
Missionaries Conquistadors Mercantilism Cash Crop
Charter Democratic Slave Trade Rights
Parliament Great Awakening Magna Carta Militia
Tyranny Repeal Boycott Independence
Petition Natural Rights Declaration of Independence American Revolution
Continental Army Strategy Ally Republic
Enlightenment Constitution Ratify Electoral College
Great Compromise Popular Sovereignty Articles of Confederation Legislative Branch
Executive Branch Judicial Branch Judicial Review Checks and Balances
Interstate Commerce Federalism Majority Rule Interest Group
Separation of Powers Bill of Rights Warrant Double Jeopardy
Self-crimination Due Process Defendant Sedition
Nullify States’ Rights Theory Strict Construction Loose Construction
Neutrality Isolationism Embargo Blockade
Monroe Doctrine Frontier Capitalism Folk Art
American System Spiritual Territory Annex
Diplomacy Manifest Destiny Legacy Ranch
Oregon Trail Mormons Forty-niners Abolitionists
Reform Second Great Awakening Seneca Falls Convention Transcendentalism
Declaration of Sentiments Deforestation Plantation Agrarian
Cotton Gin Industrialist Industrial Revolution Immigrant
Racism Segregation Oppression Discrimination
Underground Railroad      

                                          7th Grade Academic Language Vocabulary
Draw Define Calculate Arrange
Repeat Recall Recite Identify
Memorize State Recognize List
Label Illustrate Measure Report
Quote Match Name Infer
Categorize Classify Separate Estimate
Compare Relate Organize Construct
Modify Predict Interpret Distinguish
Summarize Revise Assess Investigate
Critique Connect Design Analyze
Create Prove Synthesize  
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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