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Smart Snacks Program Helps Students’ Nutrition & School Fundraising

HW Smith students have been enjoying healthy, delicious snacks while helping their school raise more than $4,000, thanks to the Smart Snacks program.

SCSD schools are required to adhere to federal Smart Snacks Standards, requiring that any foods and beverages sold in our school buildings meet certain nutrition criteria. The program aims to introduce and encourage healthy eating habits among children.

At HW Smith, in partnership with the SCSD Department of Food and Nutrition Services, Vice Principal Nick Scholz discovered that Perry’s Ice Cream has six Smart Snack-compliant ice creams. Perry’s Ice Cream supplied a freezer for the school to supply the snacks, and the ice cream is now sold twice a week during the last ten minutes of the school’s lunch periods. Over the past year, the HW Smith Student Council raised nearly $4,000 through this ongoing effort!

Porter Elementary’s Panda-Fit Wellness Team is now working to implement a similar fundraiser, working with Hershey’s to acquire Smart Snack-compliant ice cream. To learn more about how to implement this fundraising program at your school, please contact Porter School Nurse Judy Holmes ( or HW Smith Vice Principal Nick Scholz ( 
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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