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Health Services

Medical Director
Ted J. Triana, D.O.

Director of School Health Services
Nancy Bailey, MS, PNP-BC, NCSN 
Physical Adress
104 Central Office
725 Harrison St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
Mailing Address
Health Services Department
1025 Erie Blvd.
Syracuse, NY 13204
Contact info:
Phone: (315) 435-4145
Fax: (315) 435-4859

About the SCSD Office of Health Services

The Health Services department staff includes 51 nurses working directly with students in the schools with 32 health aides supporting the nursing staff with clerical services and basic first aid.  The school nurses provide care for the majority of the health issues seen in our schools. They are a compassionate and passionate group working to keep your child healthy.

Health Services monitors physical exams and hearing and vision screenings for mandated grades. The department also approves transportation and homebound instruction for medical reasons. Additionally, we provide medical reviews and clearances for employees returning to work after illness.

Comprehensive health services are offered at eight of our schools: STEAM @ Dr. King Elementary , Dr. Weeks Elementary , Delaware, PSLA at Fowler, HW Smith, Syracuse STEM at Blodgett, Franklin Elementary, and Grant Middle School. For more information, please visit our School Based Health Centers Page.

Updated COVID-19 and Respiratory Virus Guidance

Please note: this is updated guidance as of August 2024.

These SCSD guidelines pertain to respiratory illnesses including COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

  • Individuals should stay home and away from others, including people they live with who are not sick, if they have respiratory virus symptoms that are not better explained by another cause. These symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache.
  • Individuals can go back to work, school, and normal activities when, for 24 hours, both of the following are true:
  1. Symptoms are getting better overall, and
  2. They no longer have a fever without the use of fever-reducing medication.
  • When going back to normal activities, staff and students should take added precautions over the next 5 days, including wearing masks, physical distancing, and testing when they will be around other people.
  • If individuals again develop a fever or start to feel worse, they should stay home and away from others and repeat the guidance above.
Staff or Students Who are Contacts of COVID Positive Persons
  • There is no longer quarantining for those exposed to COVID-19. However, it is recommended an individual wear a high-quality mask for 10 days and get tested on day 5. All at-home tests are to be done at home and not in school or the workplace.

Immunization requirements for school attendance

As a reminder, immunization requirements for students must be met for school attendance. A student may not be permitted to attend school without proof of required immunizations. There is a 14 day grace period following the 1st day of school to provide documentation of required immunizations. For those students who are transferring from out-of-state or from another country and can show a good faith effort to get the necessary evidence of immunization(s) there is a 30 day grace period.

Please click here for more information! 

Health Screenings

 Health Appraisals and screenings are required for new students and at mandated grade levels.

  • Scoliosis screening for girls in grades 5 & 7 and boys in grades 9.
  • Vision screening for distance, near vision acuity & color perception required within 6 months of admission to school; distance & near vision acuity in grades Pre K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, and at any other time deemed necessary.
  • Hearing screening to all students within six months of admission to the school and in grades Kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11, and at any other time deemed necessary. 
  • Physical exams for all new students to the district and in grades Pre-K or K, 1,3,5,7,9 and 11.
  • All student athletes and students needing working papers are required to have a physical preferably performed by their own healthcare provider and completed within one year of the beginning of the athletic season or employment.
Mandated vision and scoliosis screenings, if not completed on the physical exam provided by your child’s medical provider will be done for required grades by the school nurse. Mandated hearing screenings, if not completed on the physical exam will be done for required grades by the audiology department.

New Cardiac Arrest Prevention Information

The Dominic Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act  is a new law as of July 1, 2022. This law requires schools, students, and parents/guardians have information on sudden cardiac arrest risks, signs, and symptoms.  

Please note that sudden cardiac arrest in children and youth is rare. The incidence of sudden cardiac death (SCD) on the playing field is 0.61 in 100,000. Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is an emergency that happens when the heart suddenly stops working. SCA can cause death if not treated immediately, and even with treatment death may occur. Immediate treatment is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED). All public schools must have a staff member trained in the use of CPR and AED in school and at all school athletic events.

Preventing SCA before it happens is the best way to save a life. Both your family health history and your child’s personal history must be told to healthcare providers to help them know if your child is at risk for sudden cardiac arrest.  Ask your child if they are having any of the symptoms listed below and tell a healthcare provider. Know your family history and tell a healthcare provider of any risk factors listed below.

The signs or symptoms are:

  • Fainting or seizure, especially during or right after exercise or with excitement or startled
  • Racing heart, palpitations, or irregular heartbeat
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, or extreme fatigue with exercise
  • Chest pain or discomfort with exercise
  • Excessive shortness of breath during exercise
  • Excessive, unexpected fatigue during or after exercise
Student’s Personal Risk Factors are:
  • Use of diet pills, performance-enhancing supplements, energy drinks, or drugs such as cocaine, inhalants, or “recreational” drugs.
  • Elevated blood pressure or cholesterol
  • History of health care provider ordered test(s) for heart related issues
Student’s Family History Risk Factors are:
  • Family history of known heart abnormalities or sudden death before 50 years of age
  • Family members with unexplained fainting, seizures, drowning, near drowning or car accidents before 50 years of age
  • Structural heart abnormality, repaired or unrepaired
  • Any relative diagnosed with the following conditions:
  • Enlarged Heart/ Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy/Dilated Cardiomyopathy
  • Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
  • Heart rhythm problems, long or short QT interval
  • Brugada Syndrome
  • Catecholaminergic Ventricular Tachycardia
  • Marfan Syndrome- aortic rupture
  • Heart attack at 50 years or younger
  • Pacemaker or implanted cardiac defibrillator (ICD)
SCA in students at risk can be triggered by athletic activities. To decrease the chance of SCA in a student, theinterval health history questions for Athletics on FamilyID must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian before each sports season. These questions help identify changes since the last physical examination or health history was completed. School personnel may require a student with health or history changes to see a healthcare provider before participating in athletics.

Finally, the law requires any student who has signs and symptoms of pending SCA be removed from athletic activity until seen by a physician. The physician must provide written clearance to the school for the student to be able to return to athletics.

Please contact the State Education Department’s Office of Student Support Services for questions at or 518-486-6090.


Important Note to Families: Religious exemption from immunizations for religious reasons

On June 13, 2019, the New York State Legislature passed an amendment to public health law section 2164, eliminating the exemption from immunizations due to religious beliefs for school attendance.  The new law is effective immediately. All families of previously exempt students will receive a letter with more details on what is now required.


Upstate University Public Health Hotline
Do you have questions about RSV, the flu, or your child's symptoms? Upstate Medical University's Public Health Hotline is open 7 days a week from 8AM to 11PM - nurses can be reached at 315-464-3979!
Check Out Our 2024-25 Return to School Health Guide!
Learn more about required physicals, health screenings, and immunizations - as well as other resources for the 2024-25 school year - by reading our Return to School Health Guide. 
Click here to learn more about how you can prevent colds and the flu
The flu spreads easily and can make people sick, especially kids. Click here to learn what you can do to help keep your family safe!
Important Onondaga County Phone Numbers
Local Health Department (315) 435-3252
Upstate Triage line (315) 464-3979 
Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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