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The High School & Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Programs

The High School & Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Programs (HSAP/URAP) are highly selective, commuter programs for high school juniors/seniors or undergraduates who demonstrate an interest in STEM to work as an apprentice in an Army-funded university research laboratory. HSAP/URAP is designed so that students can apprentice in fields of their choice with experienced scientists and engineers full-time during the summer or part-time during the school year.
Students receive an educational stipend equivalent to $10 per hour, and are allowed to work up to 300 hours total. The students contribute to the Army’s research in the laboratory while learning research methods, using advanced research equipment and becoming a part of an active research group. This authentic experience provides exposure to science and engineering research careers.  At the end of the program students will prepare final reports describing their experience and the work they did. Guidelines and deadlines will be provided to students participating in the program.
Information on this opportunity, and many other STEM programs, can be found on the US Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) website at The university locations vary each year for HSAP/URAP.  Your school was identified as being within commuter distance to one or more of this year’s participating university labs. 
ReShockie Smith
Program Coordinator
Army Research Office
Durham, North Carolina
Phone: 919-549-4339
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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